Recent controversy and budget constraint has the United States questioning its commitment to the ITER project. Top ten reasons how beneficial ITER is to the United States is examined here.Read more...

Recent controversy and budget constraint has the United States questioning its commitment to the ITER project. Top ten reasons how beneficial ITER is to the United States is examined here.Read more...
The Arctic is melting because of global warming. Just how extensively is examined here. Read more...
It is hard to put the temperature change of climate change into context. We try to put it in perspective here.Read more...
The landscape on which this latest energy-based geopolitical battle will be fought is changing. Shifting energy markets and a renewed commitment by Europe to wean itself off Russian gas imports mean that Putin’s calculations may prove costly. Read more...
Representatives of the American Security Project visited Western and Central Tennessee for a series of meetings, public events, and briefings on how climate change is affecting security, and how businesses are planning for it.Read more...
"Even as our comrades on active duty in the U.S. military forces plan for the impact of the rise in sea levels in places like Bangladesh, the retreat of the ice in the Arctic and extreme storms in places like the Philippines, members of Congress and others continue to deny the obvious. The truth is that climate change is real and poses significant challenges for our nation’s security."Ultimately, both believe that the proper recognition and action against climate change is critical for our nation. If not:
"Our armed forces know — and we should, too — that if we fail to prepare for the risks of climate change, then our sons and daughters will have to respond to more disasters, fight more terrorists abroad, and spend more of our most precious resource — the blood of those who serve."For those who subscribe to The Commercial Appeal, the generals' column can be found here. Read more about our work on this issue here:
ASP's Holland discussed climate change and national security on KCRW's "To The Point" with Warren Olney. Take a listen!Read more...
Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber of Abu Dhabi writes an important op-ed in Gulf News about the importance of finding solutions to climate change, titled “The Climate Change Challenge. The UAE should be a model for other energy producing countries in the region; it is preparing for the threats of climate change, and it is investing heavily in developing solutions.Read more...
Licensing exports of natural gas would help America strategically – but this is not really about the gas, it is about American support for free trade. The real “weapon” we should be talking about is not natural gas exports: it is the power of free and open markets. Read more...
Collecting solar energy in space for military use on earth is a new technology being developed by the U.S Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). This would give the military ultimate flexibility to direct power to anywhere on the planet - a powerful new tool for the DoD.Read more...