Principles in Action: Stability Through Trade
What force can endeavor against the momentum of conflict throughout the world, creating peace in place of peril and changing the trajectory of nations from chaos to stability? Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Charles H. Rivkin believes that economic diplomacy is that impetus. His actions, efforts and assertions have reflected his conviction in this ideal.
During a visit to India in November, Assistant Secretary Rivkin advocated the inherent moral standards required of business in the United States and abroad. Protection of intellectual rights as well as adherence to responsible sourcing and human rights in the gem and jewelry industry were identified as significant components of improved trade between the two nations.
The power of trade has been emphasized in the sanctions used to curb Russian aggression. Perhaps the proper employment of economic relations will alleviate the burden of poverty in Cuba and serve as a catalyst for democratic change. This will certainly be a critical objective for Rivkin, Secretary of State Kerry and the President.
In early December, Assistant Secretary Rivkin hosted the annual Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE) which honors U.S. companies that practice sound ethics and global stewardship. “U.S. companies answer to a higher authority. They don’t take without giving back. They support communities where they do business. They answer to their shareholders and demand transparency. They are committed to the fair treatment of their workers” wrote Rivkin.
When promoting American values it seems that economic policy is the strongest form of foreign policy. Military action can defeat an enemy, but it has difficulty rooting out corruption, child labor, inefficient government and other societal concerns. The United States must pursue trade policies which increase prosperity, decrease inequality and create durable peace around the globe. This important work will be the charge of Assistant Secretary Rivkin and the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs.
Join ASP events and hear from Assistant Secretary Rivkin on January 15th from 1230pm-130pm:
Economic Diplomacy: How Economic Ties Can Strengthen National Security
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[…] the topic of economics is inherently unappealing to most people (as Rivkin describes in an opening anecdote), the implementation of economic action can serve as the greatest […]