Tennessee and Climate Change
Climate change threatens America’s national security around the world by acting as a “threat multiplier” that will undermine stability and draw American forces into conflict. However, we should not think that this is a problem solely for the rest of the world to deal with. Climate change presents clear threats to American livelihoods here at home – the effects of climate change threaten us, and are a growing mission for homeland security.
As members of the American Security Project prepare to visit Tennessee to discuss the threats of climate change, ASP has published a short document detailing some of the threats that climate change poses to the state. Tennessee is justifiably proud of its agriculture and forestry products – and these industries are directly threatened by climate change. However, with prudent planning and risk analysis, Tennessee could become a leader in building a climate-resilient state.
Check out our upcoming events in Tennessee here:
TENNESSEE EVENT: Belmont University Discussion “Climate Change: Risks for National Security”