In this video three business leaders discuss the present political and economic situation in Egypt and the key issues that need to move forward in order to grow the new strong democratic processRead more...

In this video three business leaders discuss the present political and economic situation in Egypt and the key issues that need to move forward in order to grow the new strong democratic processRead more...
The discussion regarding energy in the U.S. has managed to coast on choices that were made in the 1970s. The theme of the event circulated around this notion that an energy policy choice must be made if the U.S. is to move forward in the coming decade.Read more...
Today we are joined by phone from Cairo with Gladys Haddad. Gladys is a civil society leader in Egypt who has just voted in the Constitutional Referendum this morning. Gladys discusses the mode in Cairo, the referendum process, and what she expects next in Egypt. Read more...
At the event, Dr. Makram-Ebeid spoke about the prospects of democracy in Egypt, and what the current struggles mean for democracy in the country. She highlights the need for politics to dispense of radical ideologies and accept a modern, egalitarian stance toward running the country.Read more...
ASP Board Member, former New Jersey Governor, and former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman spoke at the American Security Project on Tuesday, November 20 on the topic of nuclear power.Read more...
Mr. Bondarchuk highlighted three topics: Ukraine’s attempt to join the European Union, Ukraine’s energy security, and Ukraine’s military security.Read more...
The recent political impasse in Bangladesh and growing trends in militancy and terrorism raise serious concerns not only for its own stability but also the stability of the wider South Asian region. Watch each of the panels discussing key issues regarding Bangladesh. Read more...
Session Three included a discussion on the growth of Bangladesh’s economy as it opens up to the world and its bilateral and multilateral trade partners. Read more...
Session Two included a discussion on the profiles of various terrorist groups in Bangladesh and their connection to other parts of the region. Read more...
Session one included a discussion on the current political developments in Bangladesh and relate them to the potential for instability and conflict in the region. Read more...