Fact Sheet – Climate Security Challenges in South Florida
South Florida is vulnerable to various climate-related threats such as flooding from sea level rise, extreme heat, and worsening storms. A Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact study suggests that if adaptation projects are implemented now, Miami-Dade County can avoid $3.2 billion in structural losses regionally from tidal inundation in 2040. Adaptation can also “protect $7.7 million in tax revenue losses from 10-year storm events and $385 million in tax revenue from daily tidal inundation by 2070.” Mitigating the worst climate impacts predicted will require rapid decarbonization.
To better understand the risks and vulnerabilities facing South Florida defense communities, the U.S. DoD Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) recently awarded the South Florida Regional Planning Council funding through the Military Installation Sustainability program to conduct a Military Installation Resilience Review. This review will examine the long-term resilience and sustainability of the four key military installations in the region.
DownloadFact Sheet – Climate Securi… by The American Security Project