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PAST EVENT: ASP “America’s Energy Choices” Series Continues with A Roundtable on Space-Based Solar Power

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 The American Security Project (ASP) will host roundtable lunch discussion on November 14, 2011 at 12:00pm EST on the potential for a next-generation source of energy: space-based solar power—energy from the sun that is collected in space and then used on Earth.

The event will take place at the ASP office on 1100 New York Ave NW, Suite 710, Washington, D.C.

John Mankins, the President of Artemis Innovation, will give a presentation on why space-based solar power is important to energy security and the status of global initiatives to develop it.

It is estimated that a solar power station in orbit could harness five times the solar energy captured by stations on the ground. How? Satellites in geosynchronous orbit – that is, in rotation with Earth – do not pass into night, thus an unlimited amount of solar energy could be captured and transmitted to Earth. This process could be achieved using technology we have available today.

This event is part of ASP’s series on next-generation energy, “America’s Future Energy Choices,” led by ASP’s Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate, Andrew Holland.

Over the next decade, the United States will face a series of choices about how to power its economy. Choices made in Washington—and around the country—on energy in the coming decade will have broad effects on American national security, economic growth, and environmental safety. We hope that the events here at ASP will aid the continued debate.