Andrew Holland in E&E News PM: Climate Change is a “threat multiplier”
E&E News covered Wednesday’s Democratic Steering Committee Meeting on climate change, which was attended by 15 senators including Senators Begich, Boxer, and Franken:
The group was briefed on national security by Andrew Holland, a senior fellow at the American Security Project and a former Senate energy aide to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. He said that he told the senators that climate change is a “threat multiplier and an accelerant of instability.”
He presented the group recent research that showed that 70 percent of militaries around the world are planning for the threats of climate change and that rising temperatures are likely to increase the “operational tempo” of American forces.
He also discussed the effects of warming on critical infrastructure and other interests at home, he said.
You can read the article here: http://www.eenews.net/eenewspm/2013/09/11/stories/1059987089