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Andrew Holland in the Daily Caller: America’s Electrical System is Vulnerable, but Market Intervention is Not the Answer Image: The Daily Caller

Andrew Holland in the Daily Caller: America’s Electrical System is Vulnerable, but Market Intervention is Not the Answer

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On August 1st, ASP’s Chief Operating Officer Andrew Holland authored an article for The Daily Caller titled “America’s electrical system is increasingly vulnerable to cyber and physical attacks. Does anyone care?

In this article, Holland explains that a Department of Energy (DOE) policy condemning natural gas pipelines as too vulnerable is misleading, as they are “no more vulnerable to attacks than powerlines, transformers, or nuclear power plants.” Holland asserts that federal intervention in energy markets, based on misguided interpretations of threats to national security, is not an effective solution to America’s energy security problems.

Holland maintains that attacks on the U.S’ electrical system are a “very real national security threat,” citing a series of Russian infiltrations of our energy infrastructure. Luckily, both gas and oil companies as well as the DOE are currently working on increasing cybersecurity measures.

Highlighting the environmental and consumer benefits of natural gas, Holland summarizes the situation as follows:

“Energy infrastructure cyber-security is an emerging issue that is being addressed by both the public and private sector. With continued investment and innovation, natural gas pipeline infrastructure can become more resilient and reliable… Now is not the time to step back into the past by bailing out outdated forms of energy production. Instead, let’s work together to invest in infrastructure that provides a cheaper, more environmentally friendly form of energy generation that protects America from the real threats from abroad.”