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Perspective – The U.S.-India Relationship: Navigating Strategic Multi-Alignment

India has remained strategically neutral on key geopolitical divides in the 21st century, prioritizing economic growth over great power alignment. Shifting global dynamics, including tighter sanctions on Russia and resurfacing conflicts in the Middle East, present a new opportunity for the United States to strengthen its strategic partnership with the world’s most populous democracy. Read more...

White Paper – Combating Military Obesity: Stigma’s Persistent Impact on Operational Readiness

Amidst an escalating military recruiting crisis, pre-accession weight loss programs are helping meet enlistment goals. Rapid and sustained recurrence of obesity across all services, ranks, and positions is now a dire threat to operational readiness, especially for at-risk populations and those in critical combat roles. ASP's new white paper evaluates the role of stigma and science in combating military obesity. Read more...

Perspective – Enabling Factors for Achieving U.S. Army Microgrid Goals

The U.S. Army has more than 130 installations worldwide and has a stated goal of operating a microgrid on all Army installations by 2035. With only 25 microgrid projects scoped and planned through 2024, the speed and intensity of microgrid research, deployment, and funding are critical for achieving microgrid goals and energy resilience. To better understand the nature of the microgrid requirement, ASP explored existing guidance, key research challenges, and other enabling factors which impact the Army's ability to achieve its microgrid goals. Read more...

The Short Sightedness of Anti-Electric Vehicle (EV) NDAA Amendments

The electrification of defense vehicles means more than financial savings or emissions reductions—it’s a national security issue. Increasing electrification via electric vehicles (EVs) bolsters military readiness by addressing various threats from heavy reliance on fossil fuels both at home and abroad. Notwithstanding, the Pentagon’s critical efforts to transition to EVs were nearly completely impeded by proposed amendments to the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Read more...

Event Recap: DoD Climate Resilience Workshop 2023

Sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment (ASD EI&E), the DoD Climate Resilience Workshop 2023 provided a series of panels, deep dives, and vignettes for DoD stakeholders and partners to discuss climate programs, tools, and resources to facilitate DoD’s climate resilience efforts.Read more...