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Andrew Holland Quoted by Association of Opinion Journalists

Andrew Holland Quoted by Association of Opinion Journalists

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ASP’s Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate, Andrew Holland, spoke last week at a panel event hosted by the Association of Opinion Journalists (AOJ), and a summary of his talk appeared in an article by AOJ. He spoke at length about the facts on climate change: that the planet is warming and is doing so because of rising emissions of greenhouse gases. Climate change is acting as a “threat multiplier” – while not by itself creating conflict, climate change contributes to underlying problems that already exist. From the article:

Holland did offer one cause for optimism despite political inaction. Alternative, cleaner sources of energy are becoming more widespread and greenhouse gas emmissions in America are declining – thanks to market forces, not government mandates.

Still, long-term, government-wide planning as well as international strategies are required to confront unavoidable challenges climate change will bring.

To read the full article, click here.

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